Why Is Our Health Important?

Why is our health important to us?  What makes us think about our health?  Does it simply just come to us?  Why do we just seem to let our health go to the wayside while we only think of what we can cram into our day?  Our health should be important to us everyday.  This includes what we eat, where we eat, who we listen to when we are eating, & making our health important to us at all times.  There is nobody who should know your health better than you at all.  That’s why you go to a doctor when you do & see a dentist & chiropractor when your body is needing attention.  You have heard I’m sure of a saying like this, “Your body is like a temple”.  What you put in it, & what comes out along with how your body acts after a period of time is just what has been your nourishment for that time which is either good or bad.  You either feel sick or you feel well for that day or even all month long.  Life is only what you make of it.  Our health is only what we make of it also.  So why is our health not important to us?  There are the food groups that we use to feed our families & ourselves.  When doing that, we also need to know what is good for us.  I will tell you 1 thing that may alter how you pick your food groups again.  Scientists have genetically remastered our foods to add this or that to it like having more gluten to raise & make bread more softer & springier.  that is why we need to check lots of foods in cans & other prepared foods that are easier to get because all the nutrients are almost gone in them.  the nutrients are what we need for our bodies to make us continue to work & stay happy.  Drugs are not what help us get through the day.  That is why all people are starting to become disabled & on social security & have forgotten that work is good for their bodies.  Nutrition of our foods we eat our what helps our bodies become better & get past all the pain & suffering we have put it through.  Even teenagers & younger adults are into destroying their bodies & not caring other than what is the now in their picture.  How come we let ourselves become destroyed & don’t want to be a strong nation?  We have let others talk to us & tell us that we can get easy money.  That is another reason why our government & congress have become the gods of our minds.  No one knows even how to stand up & be counted & take notice by using petitions to change laws & other things in our lives that would create change.  We all sit back & think that the money trees will just grow in front of us & we will be able to pick from them.  My love for my life is not as good as others & have actually been working on what is nutritious for me & thought I would make myself heard since I have been watching all kinds of issues on TV, news websites, & other places that are getting out of control.  I do hope that anyone that has read this will feel free to comment about what they think health is. Give your opinion of it to start a page of discussion in order to let others know how this topic makes you feel & teach others who are just getting to learn about their health to provide them with a better understanding of what they need to make their bodies better & keep our nation strong!

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