Donald Trump As President or God

Donald Trump as president makes for a very barbaric time.  Since I have had thoughts of how our government has changed, I think Donald Trump is the worst even if he has votes from a lot of people.  Donald Trump has shown he can get rid of a lot of people’s thinking towards what he had put up when he was getting people to vote for him.  Now that he has become president, he makes decisions for us as he thinks we can’t decide for ourselves & thinks he is God to everyone.  Donald Trump should take a permanent vacation.  He should not be paid for his works that have ruined the kind of deals that screw with us all.  Tell me what you wish to have changed unless he is voted in for 3 more terms.

Donald Trump had a good time when he first started.  As he works to playing king of the mountain, I really wonder if there is anyone who would vote for him now.  Donald Trump thinks he is God which he needs to think again.  As Donald Trump seems to learn how other governments think of him, he really is nothing as he stays within the confining walls of the White House & considers it his castle & domain.  Does Donald Trump have my vote?  Not even!  His ways show through his children also, especially through his daughter who thinks she should act like a goddess whose garbage over time shouldn’t stink.  He has brought into our government a socialistic environment as opposed to our democracy which gives us a lot more freedom than we would have through kings & queens running us ragged or taking money that we work for until we have nothing left.  His decision making stinks too.  This is an outrage I love to post as I see more & more of who Donald Trump really is.  Where does Mr. Trump as president get his despicable works & ways from?  He sure knows how to be a controller without sticking his neck out the door?  What would you do if you could change a government like this?

I have been looking at President Donald Trump who as our voted in president is not only a clown but a person making fools out of us all.  By showing that he is a businessman only goes to show that he has no business in the government.  This coronavirus has turned us all into little mice running around & acting like we are in a maze that will never end.  President Trump acts like he cares & sits on his butt keeping anybody & everybody away since he is all about communism & socialistic values that we are being trained to live with now.  This is how we will live if we don’t get a way to work above what he & al the rest of the political leaders & scientists are doing for a way to respond to this virus.  The coronavirus is just a virus & since President Trump has no cares for what the citizens are doing, I consider him another Adolph Hitler.  He will be using China in his next voting deals to keep him in office if we don’t look for someone else.  We need to complain & petition as much as possible to keep this maniacal rat from getting another term in office.  What do we do if we all just sit & spin like there is nothing we can do or work to get rid of this virus & President Trump?  Are we really that naïve?  If we care for freedom as much as we do, why do we not find other ways to get an income through the internet instead of relying on businesses that are shutdown?  Can’t we try working to make our lives better on our own or do we not know what that is?  Hopefully we all can get a better understanding of what this president & other political leaders are really worth!

2 thoughts on “Donald Trump As President or God

  1. I turned to this post and found I had given it already a like. I was surprised to say the least. I have no memory of having read it before. While not arguing with the content of your post I am still surprised that that person, occupying the White House, would be able to turn you into a hating person. You are better than that.

    There is a group of people, his voters, who applaud every word he utters or tweets. And I would not be surprised at all if they give him, coming November, four more years to torture you and the rest of the civilised world. The founding fathers of the Republic must turn in their graves. The US were it the zenith of their power and abilities when they stood up the the Nazi tyranny in Europe. There were able people to advise the government not to repeat the failures of the Western powers after WW1. You had great presidents until the Vietnam war. That was the big mistake and all went pear shape from then on. I, and we all hope, it is not getting worse. Democratic elections should result in the election of a statesman not a celebrity clown who loves only himself.

  2. Thanks for your comment & visiting this post! I was & still am very concerned at the games he plays with everyone in the White House, the people of this country & also how he put down a lot of people of different races, too. I wondered if he was really the leader he was put up there for. I hope not either, but can’t do anything about it. All I can do is pray for what God brings to me at my door.

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